Prooject Summary
ROYAL GREEN WORLD is thrilled to celebrate the success of the first training program on Solar Panels Installation and Solar Water Pumping System; under Green Empowerment Centre ( GEC) with a Theme: Empowering Youth and Women for Sustainability and Impact. Sponsored by UNDP.
The program started on the 1st August, and below are the different topics learned by the participants with pictures:
1) Orientation of participants by the facilitators on solar panel installation and checking of equipment for the training.
2) Lunching of the theory of solar panel installation and identification of solar equipments by facilitators.
3) How to calculate and select, inverter,charge controller, battery and solar panels connection for various uses.
4) Installation of solar street lights both Manuel and Automatic street lights.
5) Connection of battery in series, parallel and series parallel connection for 12v, 24v,48voltages to generate light.
6) Battery wiring in 12v,24v,48voltages to generate light with a direct current buld and an alternative current build.
7) A practical was carried out by participants by the instructor on a 24v battery using an inverter, charge controller, AC and DC bulbs to generate light and charging of phones in the presence of UNDP staff.
8) Orientation of solar DC pump and practical.